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Ananda's Blog
Lean into Kirtan
We often speak about the importance of carefully hearing the maha-mantra while we chant our japa (meditation with beads). We don’t often...
Facing the Illusion
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps 98% of our time we are in illusion? This illusion comes about when we think: “I am so and so.”, “I...
Spiritual Health
In a conversation with a person wanting to begin a more serious practice of bhakti yoga, we spoke about many things. The 9 process of...
Eat Well
All yogis are careful about what they eat...or at least they should be. Food is not only connected to our physical well being but also...
The Wind and the Mind
As I listen to the wind howl and the windows rattle, I remember when Arjuna told Krishna that to control the mind is more difficult than...
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